
Continuo Connect’s twice-monthly newsletter is your guide to the UK early music scene. You will receive the following, direct to your inbox:

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Exclusive writing: see highlights of what’s ‘new’ on Continuo Connect - from in-depth articles about early music projects and recordings, to behind-the-scenes interviews with artists dedicated to early music.

Curated Playlists: Each month we share a themed playlist which is carefully curated by Kirsten Fehring, to expand your early music horizons!

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… including comprehensive early music concert listings across the UK, articles and interviews, and artist discovery, please visit our main website at: www.continuoconnect.com.

Continuo Connect is the digital initiative of Continuo Foundation, UK registered charity no. 1194382. Our mission is to help period-instrument musicians to flourish and to bring the joy of early music to more people in more places. Continuo Connect empowers artists to raise their profiles and promote their work, and makes it easy for audiences to discover events and festivals, and to learn about the endlessly fascinating world of early music.
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Subscribe to Continuo Connect

The Continuo Connect newsletter is your go-to-guide to the UK early music scene. Featuring concert recommendations, behind-the-scenes articles, and curated playlists: it's your window into the surprisingly modern world of early music!


Continuo Connect is your go-to-guide to the UK's early music scene. Featuring concert recommendations, glimpses behind the scenes, and curated playlists: we provide a window into the surprisingly modern world of early music!